Wendy Woolfork


Founder & CEO of The Purpose Walk, Wendy brings specialized training in behavioral science and volumes of wisdom gained from more than two decades of human resources leadership, building and sustaining organizational capability. Her singular mission is to activate resolute, people-focused management practices that get results.

In the difficult work to reconcile tensions, ease unrest, and evolve workplace cultures, she finds it satisfying to infect herclients with the same hopefulness and possibility thinking that helped her transcend difficult early years and painful experiences growing up in the Third World. She is truly motivated to help you unlearn and relearn so you can be the leader your organization needs today. Through purposefully deployed leadership game plans, she helps transform organizations and lower frustration and stress levels.

Wendy is an inspirational voice who encourages mission-driven executives to behave with courage and intentionality. Pearl Street relies on her during the discovery process as we assess the organization and consider how people may respond to changing circumstances.